services & Methods

Fit For Use Test

A fit for use test checks a product for its marketability. We don’t just examine the functionality of the product, but also its safety. Aside from the technical execution and effective performance, the quality of the materials, the durability of the product and environmental aspects therefore also play an important role.

A graphic symbol of a gear between two hands.

what makes a fit for use test worthwhile?

prevent complaints & damage to your image

A fit for use test will enable you to correct any deficiencies before your product is launched on the market. This way, you will prevent complaints, damage to your image as well as any associated follow-up costs. To achieve this, we evaluate the expectations of your target group and test your product against national and international standards as well as any market-specific requirements.

Standardised DIN [German Institute for Standardisation], EN, ISO and IEC tests

Thermal, mechanical & electrical safety tests

our own in-house procedures & testing standards

market research & product research all under one roof

the dual testing approach

The dual test approach of ipi institutes. The ipi institutes are both a product testing laboratory and a consumer testing studio, united by a passion for testing products.
An ipi Institute employee is taking the measurements of a school satchel. You can see more satchels on a shelf in the background.

product research

product testing laboratory

At the ipi institutes, our experts from the product testing laboratory are responsible for product research. They take a look at your latest developments. Thanks to our decades of experience with product comparison tests for consumer organisations all around the world, our experts have a unique overview of the market and know exactly what is right for your product.

A test person shaves with an electric shaver in front of a mobile sink with mirror. A person wearing a white lab coat is present and documents something.

market research

consumer testing studio

In our consumer testing studio we put the product in the hands of your target group. As part of the application test, the test subjects use and evaluate the product under controlled conditions. Whether it is a concept, mock-up or prototype, regional, national or international, we will endeavour to conduct your market research study in a way that is specifically tailored to your needs.

Are you aiming to reach the top in your industry or do you want to make sure your product offers excellent value for money? Either way, we tailor our tests to your specific requirements.

Guido Lorch
managing Director & CoSTUMER RELATIONS
A kettle, a blender, a microwave, a toaster and a rice cooker are lined up side by side on a table.

sound decisions thanks to the fit for use test

you can rely on independent feedback and objective results

From the initial development phase to shortly before market launch, we know how important it is to be able to rely on independent feedback at all times. We therefore use our professional prototype and product tests to see that you get objective results and information about the expectations of your target group and the market readiness of your product.

How does a fit for use test work?

Four steps to market viability

Gelbe Bubble mit "1."

individual needs analysis

We conduct an individual analysis of your need for a fit for use test. For this, we take into account your stage of development, the target group as well as all other relevant parameters.

Based on our analysis, we use existing procedures and tests or develop a tailor-made test designed to fit your needs.

Our experienced experts test and evaluate your product in our product testing laboratory and/or conduct a consumer test with your target group.

Make important decisions using meaningful results reports and recommendations for action, all based on analysis and interpretation of your test results.

Benefit from our expertise

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We help you bring the best out of your product and make sure it will be successful on the market! – decide right!