services & methods

Endurance testing

No matter how good a product rates in our tests, if it breaks down after only a short period of time you can expect to have complaints and dissatisfied customers on your hands. This is why we carry out endurance testing in our highly flexible endurance laboratory to test the durability of your product.

A graphic symbol of a continuous loop in a circle consisting of 3 arrows.

What does endurance testing look like?

Highly specialised individual solutions & automated motion sequences

We develop highly specialised individual solutions to enable automated endurance testing. To help us out with this, we use pneumatically-supported programmable logic controllers. Motorised lifting and guiding components mounted on system profiles and linear platforms perform accurate and consistent motion sequences. We build the test rigs designed in this way in our workshop ourselves in order to maintain our high standards and enable us to respond flexibly to client requirements.

In einem automatisierten Prüfstand sind 6 Pfeffermühlen eingespannt, deren Mahlwerk einer Dauerprüfung unterzogen wird.
Die Antihaftbeschichtung einer Bratpfanne wird bewusst mithilfe von Sand, Metallkugeln und Scheuermittel unter Dauerbelastung beschädigt.
Ein grüner Wanderrucksack steht in einem gekachelten Testraum und wird durch eine Beregnungsanlage beregnet.
10 verschiedene Standmixer werden auf ihre Produktlebensdauer geprüft, während sie eine Prüfmasse pürieren.
Various pepper mills in an automated test rig at ipi Institute.
Scrub test of the non-stick coating of a frying pan.
Testing the waterproofness of a hiking backpack in a sprinkler system at ipi.
Testing the service life of various stand mixers by pureeing a test mass.
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Our endurance tests are designed to simulate use which is as close as possible to real life. This makes it possible for us to objectively assess your product’s durability and wear and tear.

Guido Lorch

why is endurance testing worthwhile?

product service life tested objectively

We are not the only ones – consumer organisations and consumers themselves also attach great importance to the durability of products. It is a metric for determining how sustainable a product is. This is why it is important to test the durability of your products. Only by doing this can you ensure that your products satisfy the needs of your target group and are sustainable, will bolster your market reputation and keep costs to the minimum.

What endurance testing do the ipi institutes offer?

Standardised long-term tests & solutions specially developed for you

With our long-term tests we are able to perform a highly diversified range of endurance tests for you. In doing so, we ensure that the test setup always corresponds exactly to your needs. We offer a wide range of tests and simulations, from standardised endurance tests to individual solutions developed specifically for your product.

  • Simulation of long-term use
  • Battery life testing
  • Component lifetime testing
  • Weight load testing
  • Corrosion testing
  • Drop tests using standardised falls
  • Simulation of the product life cycle up to 30 years
  • UV lamp irradiation
  • Water permeability testing through continuous irrigation
  • Dishwasher durability testing
  • Solutions tailored to your questions

Benefit from ipi expertise

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