services & methods

Expert Evaluations

Expert evaluations are professional tests of a product’s fitness for use. These tests may be conducted either by laboratory experts or product experts. Laboratory experts acquire their expertise through many years of intensive work on a wide variety of products. On the other hand, product experts engage intensively with a specific product through their work or a hobby.

A graphic symbol of a doctor's hat.


Testing by laboratory experts

Our laboratory experts are professional product testers. They put themselves in the position of the target group and test a product’s fitness for use against certain criteria. Through a cognitive walk-through they analyse each step of the use of the product and assess whether it can be understood intuitively. In addition, they examine the handling and user-friendliness of the product by evaluating the feel and effortlessness of switches and other controls.

At the end of the test, we will create an objective evaluation of your product based on its fitness for use. This assessment will help you to identify any potential for improvement and make the appropriate changes.

A hairdresser is styling a blonde woman with a round brush and a hair dryer.


Testing by product experts

For this special form of consumer testing, we recruit people who work particularly intensively with a specific product in their daily lives. That may be through their work, research, a hobby or other factors. These product experts are very well versed in a specific product group and know what is important for everyday life. For example, we are happy to arrange for hair styling products to be tested by hairdressers or sports equipment by fitness trainers.

Fit for use tests represent an important part of the quality management process and provide assurance that products are fit for use by end consumers.

Guido Lorch
managing Director – Customer Relations

Objective, experienced & independent

How you can benefit from an expert Evaluation by us

Expert evaluations are carried out by professionals. They are familiar with the product segment in question and can accurately assess the features and attributes of your product. This is especially important for potential buyers, given that an objective and well-founded opinion helps them in making a purchasing decision.

When it comes to comparative tests in particular, you can benefit from the experience of our laboratory experts who evaluate your product based on all the tests carried out up to that point. They do this without allowing themselves to be swayed by emotional considerations. Instead, they provide objective and independent ratings for the tested brands.

Decide right!

Key questions for your decision-making

What does a fit for use testing programme look like?

This testing programme offers a structured and systematic approach for assessing the product and identifying any potential weaknesses. The ipi institutes create a testing programme tailored to each specific product. We are happy to adapt the tests to the needs and requirements of the product and to your questions so that you can improve your product and bolster your success on the market.

Which is better? Expert evaluations or consumer surveys?

A professional expert evaluation and a consumer survey complement one another, and together create a powerful synergy for testing your product. The expert evaluation provides an unbiased and objective judgement about the features and handling of your product. At the same time, consumer reviews can help you get a sense of how well your brand and/or product is being received in the marketplace.

Both perspectives are valuable and should be taken into consideration. Our dual testing approach combines the benefits of expert evaluation and consumer ratings to provide a more comprehensive picture of your product and to support you in improving it. This unique approach taken by the ipi Institute allows you to benefit from two perspectives and achieve the best results.

Which products can be tested using expert Evaluation?

Almost every product can be tested using expert evaluation! Our laboratory experts are familiar with a wide range of products and thematic areas but are also happy to acquire knowledge in new fields. In addition, we are often surprised by just how much the test subject database in our consumer testing studio has to offer when we are looking for experts for specific products.

benefit from our expertise

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Request a customised proposal for an expert assessment now – decide right!